Friday, November 21, 2008

Simply contradicting

It's now coming to the end of 2008... 21st century... where we can pay bills via internet, with current technology, it has brought the mankind to the highest level of convenience they can be...a mansion built up of 20,000 square feet, a car with 500HP worth of millions, hotel in Dubai that costs RM 50,000 a night yet on the dark side of the mankind, there can still be people with no roof over their heads, no cloth wrapping their bodies and no food comforting their stomach.

Last night I was invited by my friend to help him in "street ministry" where we brought food to the beggars found along the corridors, road side and bus station around Penang island. We found those beggars aged from young kid, middle-aged and up to old people, consisted of both genders and varied races of Malaysia. Some of them prefer to beg than to work despite of their ability, one of them prefers to bag with his young child than to send him to welfare department. Whatever it is, it stirred up my feelings of compassion for them.

Along the most happening areas in Penang where people park their shiny luxurious vehicles along the road, dancing like there's no tomorrow in the clubs, drinking beers and having fun in the bars and lounge, we found all those homeless people sleeping along the corridors. Such a contradiction isn't it? Didn't the authority do something? Yes they did, by capturing all these people and sent them to the welfare department. Some of the beggars who came out of it told us they prefer to beg on the street as they 'earn' more and have more freedom. One of them told us, "does the authority really care about us ? Do they really know what we want ? All we need is just a pair of ears listening to our sorrows and heartaches."

So next time, when you want to complain about the taste of a food, think about they have NOTHING to eat, that your house is too small, they have NOWHERE to stay, that you don't have new clothes to wear for party or dinner, they don't have A PIECE of cloth to wear. Be grateful, be thankful, there always are people who are much unfortunate than we are.

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