3 days of exam before we end our beautiful semester ~~
Honestly, time does literally fly this semester, it's the fastest semester ever to pass !
May be due to endless assignments and tests, this semester is ending seriously fast !
Really thank God for upholding me and granting me strength in this semester as i was seriously
ill in July and Aug. Thinking to suspend my semester to undergo treatment... but thank God
It's going to be over now !!!
Alright, exam week. Ha, spending time in front of pc more than books. Due to boredom, started an account in facebook and whoaaaa this thing is really addictive... i'm spending everyday to play the applications, update this and that... hehheheeee. But it's sure more hella fun than friendster^^
what else i did this week, oh yea, went clubbing lol~
with 3 other friends to ruums...oh yea ~~dance and party !!!!
alright, that's all for now, completed 1 paper today, 2 more to go, gambateh !!! ^^
me(left) and Josh @ ruums 27.10.07 (Sat)